Results (1632)
Poesia (mirror), 2011
Porte, 1968
Portrait (Men Sperm Nose), 2009
Portrait of a man, 2003
Portrait of a woman, 1996
Portraits, 1986
Portugal 2, (Santa Maria da Feira), 2003-2004
Poseidon, 1995
Post-Mondrian, 1992 - 1994
Poster of Prime Ministers, taverna, 2012 - 2018
Pour Qui?, 1970
Practicing Pleasure Where Possible, 2018
Practising Pleasure Where Possible, 2018
Presence – Absence II, 2008
Primarily Speaking, 1981-1983
Primary, 1978
Program 2. Action in 14 predetermined sequences by Ulay, 1976
Program One: Aspen Projects, 1970
Program Two, 1970
Projection in Space, 1966
Projection of shape on photocopy paper, 1974
Projection of shape on photocopy paper, 1974 - 1974
Pryings, 1971
Pulverous, 2003
Racket, 1969
Raise the anchor, unfurl the sails, set course to the centre of an ever setting sun!, 2017
Range (Small Wonders), 2004 - 2005
Rayonnage, 2009 - 2014
Readings, 2000
Real time, 1996
Reception, Communist Party Headquarters, 2012 - 2018
Rectigenous single sided surface (Project of a suspended construction), [1969]
Red Carpet No 1, 2007
Red Hood, 2017
Red Neon from Wall to Floor, 1967
Redrum, 2011
Regardez le Discjockey Long John Silver, 1998
Remembrance, 1987-1989
Remnants of an icon mounted on linen, 1982
Requiem for the 20th century, 1994
Restany, 1965
Rhodos, 2013
Ribbit ribbit, 2002
Rice House, 2004
Risk of Death, 1968
Rivers I and II, 2002 - 2003
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