Εθνικό Μουσείο Σύγχρονης Τέχνης
Program One: Aspen Projects

Dennis Oppenheim

Program One: Aspen Projects


Audiovisual Media


B&W film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration: 30’

Material Interchange, 1970
B&W film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 2΄44΄΄
Inv. No. 547/05

Identity Transfer, 1970
B&W film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 1΄
Inv. No. 548/05

Rocked Hand, 1970
Colour film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 3΄34΄΄
Inv. No. 549/05

Compression: Fern #1, 1970
Colour film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 5΄46΄΄
Inv. No. 550/05

Pressure Piece #1, 1970
Colour film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 1΄40΄΄
Inv. No. 551/05

Glassed Hand, 1970
Colour film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 2΄56΄΄
Inv. No. 552/05

Compression – Poison Oak, 1970
Colour film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 2΄46΄΄
Ιnv. No. 553/05

Compression – Fern #2, 1970
Colour film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 5΄22΄΄
Inv. No. 554/05

Leafed Hand, 1970
Colour film transferred into videotape, silent
Duration 3΄44΄΄
Inv. No. 555/05

Purchased in 2005
© Photo: Electronic Arts Intermix, New York

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