Results (353)
“1981” (Allagi), 2007
[Untitled], 1995
05.12.2013 – 3.01 PM, 2014
1+1=1, 2002
2+2+5, 2001
250 cm line Tattooed on 6 paid people, Espacio Aglutinador, Havana, Cuba, December 1999, 1999
99 Names, 2002
A Classroom, 2002
A Clean Slate, 2010
A Doctor’s Office, 2002
A Moneychanger the Day After, 2002
A Tribute to John Cage, 1973 επανέκδοση 1976
Alexandros Delmouzos and the eighty May beetles, 2014
All by Myself, 1995-1996
Anarchive # 1: Muntadas: Media, Architecture, Installations, 1999
Angel’s Gate, 1989
Anschlus, 1993-2002
Anthem, 1983
Applauses, 2004
Arcadia, 2011
Art Make-Up, 1967-1968
Art Seen – Art Scene, c 2006
As To Posterity, 2014
Athens, 2013
Athens, Parthenon, 2007 - 2008
Ave Maria, 2017
Baldessari sings Lewitt, 1972
Bank Mirror, Ramallah, April 22, 2002
Bathing, 1977
Beached, 1970
Berlin (10. 11. 1974 – 28. 1. 1975) – Dreaming Under Water, 1974-1975
Birth Registry Office, Athens City Hall, 2012 - 2018
Bits, 1977
Black Box, 1997
Black/White/Text, 1980
Blue moon over, 2001
Border Angels, 2011
Bridge side B (ofrah fergal Kasei), 2015 - 2016
Broken street lamp, central Athens, 2012 - 2018
Bust, 1997
Bust, 1998
Buster’s Bedroom, 1990
Bye Bye Kipling, 1986
Canguro, 1993-2002
Case study, 2007
Catch 44, 1971
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