Results (1632)
Erotic, 1976
Erotic, c 1976
Es fehlt die Weiße [The White One Is Missing], 1996
Espace foudre, 1990
etc., 1985
Etika je Lijepa – Estetika je Poslusna (Ethik ist schön – Ästhetik ist gehorsam / Ethics is beautiful – aesthetics is obedient), 2012
Evangelismos, 1996
Everyday Siva-lingam (Varanasi), 2008
Exercise Machines, 2009
Face + Candle, 1996
Face I, 2003
Face II,
Face III, 1996
Face IV, 2003
Faire le mur, 2008
Fallen horse, 1987
Fallen jacket, 1971
Fallon, 2005
Family, 2022
Family Matters!, 1998
Family Tyranny/Cultural Soup, 1987
Fantastic Prayers, 1999
Farewell to Art, 1991
Female Sensibility, 1973
Fever, 2011
Fight Carpet, 2005
Figure, 1965
Film Video Works #3, 1966 - 1969
Finished Sentence, 2010
Fire, 1982
First degree of relation: The photograph, 2000
FIX Drawing, 2002
Fix It, 2004
Flat is Βeautiful,
Flight, 2011
For Dionysos (Laura and Tomo – Montalcino), 2006
Forced Journey (Sculpture for public participation), 1969
Forms of Life – Survival Kit in the Metropolis, 2012
Four Incomplete Red Neon Circles on a Pink Wall, 1977
Four Songs, 1976
Fragments I: Where the stories cut across the land, 2016 - 2017
Frieze, 1972
From the Newspaper Book (Proof Edition), 1962
Full Circle, 1978
Funeral homage to the agro-industrial civilisation ΙΙ, 1977 - 1997
Funeral homage to the agro-industrial civilisation ΙΙΙ, 1977 - 1997
Funeral homage to the αgro-industrial civilisation, 1977 - 1997
Gate, 2007
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