Results (1632)
250 cm line Tattooed on 6 paid people, Espacio Aglutinador, Havana, Cuba, December 1999, 1999
37° 42’N 026° 04’E, 2017
51 chairs and a few asshole chairs, 1991
6th excerpt from the country of noone: The ritual of the alphabet, 1988 - 2012
99 Names, 2002
A Classroom, 2002
A Clean Slate, 2010
A Doctor’s Office, 2002
A Glacier At Our Table, 2013
A Happening, 1973
A Moneychanger the Day After, 2002
A Tribute to John Cage, 1973 επανέκδοση 1976
Aaaa Hit Wall, 2011
Abacus, 1983
Access House, 2002
After etc., 1988
Agonizing Surikov, 1995
Agony is Our Triumph, 2010
Aire (Sculpture for public participation), 1966
Alexandros Delmouzos and the eighty May beetles, 2014
Alexis, 2005
All by Myself, 1995-1996
All Her Clothes Are Swept Aside by Her Face, 2008
Along the Line, 1994
Analogiques, 1976
Analytical drawing of construction of revolving contours-meridians of the revolution generated “plastic transformation” surfaces, [1965-1970]
Anarchive # 1: Muntadas: Media, Architecture, Installations, 1999
And After etc.?, 1988
And I Awoke, 2012
Ange exterminateur, 1990
Angel’s Gate, 1989
Anna Petrovna has a Dream, 1996
Anniversary, 2010
Anschlus, 1993-2002
Anthem, 1983
Anti-bijoux, 1978
Anti-spectacular theater: Two sculptural one-acts – Elegy for Homo Faber, 1976
Antidoron, 1983 - 2009
Aphaia temple columns, 2004
Apiculture Arrangement, 1997
Apocalypse Main-Tenant(e), 1988
Apocrypha which was discovered by tossing a video camera up into the air inside the church of the Holy Sepulchre at 12:32, 2002
Apocrypha which was discovered by tossing a video camera up into the air inside the church of the Holy Sepulchre at 12:34, 2002
Apotheosis of the Matraque, 1970
Appeal for the re-establishment of Horizon, 2002 - 2003
Appeal for the Reestablishment of the Horizon – Brotherhood of Immaculate Liberation, 2003
Applauses, 2004
April 1968, 1968
Arcadia, 2011
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